Friday, July 13, 2018

The Best of All Special Darjeeling Teas


      Try Hot Green Tea.
      The Ideal Drink in Summer.
    UPTO 30% OFF
On all Summer Teas!
Teafloor is an online tea shop which is set out to improve the quality, freshness, and authenticity of the tea you purchase by offering you with choices that are rarely seen in the tea market. Our expert tea tasters procure tea directly from select estates in Darjeeling and other parts in India, which is immediately sealed using a superior vacuum packaging method. Thus we deliver the freshest Indian teas from various estates. You can choose your tea by garden, type, flavour and season of produce.

For centuries, tea was only used as a medicine. It took over 3000 years for it to become an everyday drink.

However, today tea is the second most consumed drink in the world, second only to water.

There are over 3000 varieties of tea. And not every variety is easy to lay hands on. There are over 7.5 billion people in the world, and everyone is different, everyone is unique. Everyone has their own preferences. While some prefer to taste the fine Darjeeling tea, some like sipping the finest from Assam where as some like the freshness of the tea from the Nilgiri Hills. We at Teafloor understand that everyone has their own cup of tea.

Some drink tea as a habit developed over time, some drink tea for medicinal purposes, some drink tea for the taste and some drink tea as a partner-in-crime to the warm pakoras enjoying the rain. No matter what your reason, no matter what your taste, you will always find the finest and the freshest tea of your choice and your need at Teafloor.
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